Tuesday, November 16, 2021


 I'm off again this morning, to get vaccinated. It is my annual

flu shot. Not a big deal, but it does feel like I'm getting jabbed

a lot these days. To the point where I have been thinking I

should buy cardigan sweaters for all there medical events 👩‍🦰

As the news on Glasgow has been coming in, I have started to wonder

if the Covid-19 pandemic is a heated up world phenomenon. Higher

populations, more international travel, more people in cities, more tourists

and even mountain-climbing eco-tourists and so forth. The current resurgence 

of Covid cases in Europe is being partially blamed on cold weather because

the virus stays in the air longer in colder temperatures. Equally important,

high levels of CO2 in indoor environments promote transmission: we are breathing

in each other's expelled CO2, and there needs to be ventilation standards in

schools, offices and workplaces.

I've been watching a lot of youtube lately. Thought I'd share some of my 'finds'

for today.

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