Monday, January 31, 2022

Jet Stream

 Hopefully, this is the last of the abnormally cold days we've

been seeing in the last while (-20 to -30 C). You dress like a bear

and a spot of cheek that isn't covered screams this is TOO cold!

I've seen reports this is actually due to climate change with the Jet

Stream slowing down and making a more pronounced sine wave.

But that is not the whole story. Below:

Saturday, January 29, 2022


 Those very determined truckers in Ottawa are ipso facto lobbying the Biden

Administration; not a promising affair. Is this really necessary? Where is the

bureacratic analysis of the situation for cross-border trade!? Granted

fighting the epidemic is top priority, but deconfinement may need some


                                               *     *     *

There is a tragic element in all this: the one thing that pandemic measures have

been aimed at is avoiding close contacts between the unvaccinated. and this is exactly 

what this demonstration seems to be delivering.  Will it be a cauldron of infection

for Omicron; I hope not.  I have bee looking forward to going for a double double

this week - as Quebec restaurants re-open - albeit at a 50% capacity Tim's... Maybe not!!

Of course, natural immunity is also part of the equation. Hard to know who has natural

immunity from a past infection and whether this is adequate faced with omicron... 👳‍♀️

                                         *     *     *


For any of the truckers who might be dismayed at the difficulties

of finding food and drink in downtown Ottawa; you have my full

sympathy. Ottawa is not a normal city with shopping and eats at its core; it

is a government town with civil servants crowding in during the week

but a largely empty hull week-ends.

Bottom line, there is coffee and muffins everywhere till noon, but then not.

(Booze picks up later in the day). One can buy lunch in a line-up; there are actual

restaurants in government buildings that serve lunch to departmental employees.

To find a family restaurant one needs to go toward the suburbs, down Bank street

going South or out to the West. The train station off the Queensway is large, warm 

and has stuff. There are French speaking folks in the East of the City.

On a normal day, downtown Ottawa is a traffic nightmare early in the morning, and 

then around four in the afternoon. The Prime Minister goes to work in a limo with

police escort at nine in the morning because he wouldn't make it any other way...

                                                   *     *     *

Day 4

Real-time map of Ottawa:

Monday, January 24, 2022


 It's cold as anything and I'm getting bored. Might dust off my vaccine 

passport to go to the local foodcourt and get a liter of milk, browse the 

cookies...Who knows!?

This is when I start to muse about the Milankovich cycle!


Friday, January 21, 2022


 Between the cold and the covid restriction, I get to watch a lot of YouTube.

Below, a really interesting overview of early humans entering Scandinavia. 

Didn't really understand about Doggerland before thi; makes me realize I have

been out of school for a long time. Awesome!!

                                                        *     *     * 

I would have aprreciated knowing the following, as a child:

Thursday, January 20, 2022


 From Le Devoir:


That said, there is no real reason for demonizing the unvaccinated.

One might take a sociological stance on the issue. Like, not

everyone adopts novelty at the same rate and there is no reason

to assume the unvaccinated are malevolent. I don't have a shaved

haircut but my daughter does. Perfectly normal situation. The vaccination

effort we are living through now seeks to simulate natural immunity

in the population because we are dealing with high population spread

of airborne diseases. That's the truth of the situation.


 Couldn't finish yesterday's entry for CS50 AI properly because

I couldn't manage to download the python tokenizer (charmingly 

named 'punkt'). In the cool light of morning today, I solved it.

Forget pip, just go on the python interpreter in Command Prompt.

One needs to locate 'punkt' from the list of options.

*     *     *
Given the corpus of the works of Sir A.C. Doyle,  Sherlock Holmes, print out

the 10 most used ngrams (here, I asked for 1 and 4).


Wednesday, January 19, 2022

All of Shakespeare

 Ploughing through on CS50 AI.

So how does a computer apprehend the meaning of texts. Short
answer: it doesn't really. One ends up instructing the computer to
tokenize a text in a certain way - that is, work with words or other units -
and train to create a model. Below, Markovify is given access to the entire
corpus of Shakespeare's works, and asked to produce 5 sentences on a 
Markov chain model. Kinda silly result, but each word proposed does follow
the previous two somewhere in Shakespeare...

                                                                *     *     *

A more mudane problem, which a computer can handle, is teling whether 

an email is serious or spam; or whether a product review is favourable or


One gives the computer a set of reviews to train on, and build a model

on word frequency. The computer is told which reviews are favourable, and 

which are not. It is then asked to classify a new review.

A naive Baysian analysis, multiplying the probabilities on major words, gives

a 68% chance of being favourable to "My grandson loved it". Good work, nltk!!

Natural Language Toolkit


 Been google - ing again, this time on the great Boris Johnson Party

Saga. Seems there are now seven documented Downing Street boozy

work events, and possibly more to come. OOOOOh!

The March 20, 2020 garden party got me thinking. Didn't Mr Johnson get

Covid himself in March. As I recalled, he had shown great bravado in carrying

on with public engagements in the days up to his symptoms. Turns out that

he started isolating one week after the party, and ended up in hospital

- and eventually on a respirator - one week after that. So how did the other

party goers fare!?

To be fair, our understanding of Covid was murky in those early days. Particularly

on the concept of 'getting it'. By now I would guess the virus is everywhere and we 

are all dealing with it all the time; the test picks up when we become capable of infecting

others from the virus we reproduce ourselves. 

But still, March 20 was also the date the British government closed all schools in 


So what was going on there: hanging on to normalcy, accepting the inevitable, going

down with the ship in style?? A bit of all that, I would think. The really bad numbers had yet

to come; but come they did.

Monday, January 17, 2022



Been following Tammy Lemons and her journal of dieting
difficulties. She does seem to have a full complement of
health care professionals to help her, and I in no way want to
interfere with that.  But I would have one suggestion which I think
might be helpful to her.

Tammy lives alone (with four cats). I think that forcing herself to keep
certain social practices might help. In particular, I would suggest that
she never eat in bed. Plan and eat whatever you will, but consume it at
a dining table, with knife, fork, sparkling glass, napkins and so on. That's 
all! No food in the bedroom, ever. Give it two weeks...

Why make this suggestion. Because a sugar and ice cream habit seems to 
hanker back to early childhood and falling asleep after sweet milk. No!!

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Natural Language

Back to CS50 AI for the last lecture, on Language:


The above list shows some of the tasks related to language

that AI has come to deal with. All require a consideration of

both syntax(the word order aspect of grammar) and semantics (meaning).

The cornerstone to how computers will approach things is Chomsky's

notion of context-free grammar and normal form ((CNF).  One builds things up

from the simplest - a noun verb combination - to more complex.

Using Python's natural language tool kit, the program is able to parse

sentences constructed from the given vocabulary. (News to me, French

now has the verb 'parser' to describe how computers propose  syntactic

analysis). A terminal symbol is a word, a non-terminal symbol is a word species 

such as noun, verb, determinative..., verbal phrase.

Program 0 reads simple sentences; program1 more complex but still has limits...

                                                                 *     *     *



Saturday, January 15, 2022


 Beautiful sunny day today, but at -20° C and slightly windy, not

a day for a stroll. Looked up the relationship between windchill and frostbite, 

and here is the story.

source: National Weather Service, US.

Friday, January 14, 2022

Wednesday, January 12, 2022



Scientists believed Covid leaked from Wuhan lab - but feared debate could hurt ‘international harmony’ (

Did seem to me odd at the time that experts were dismissing the Wuhan leak 

explanation out of hand. 'Doing harm to science' is the kind of immature response

one does not expect from adult professionals. I'm dumbfounded.

There is such a thing as public health policy, and it has to rest on total transparency

from all concerned 😒

                                                                   *     *     *

The US is coming off as the dult on the room on this one: they are

introducing sanctions on individuals and organizations that are facilitating

North Korea's continuing development of ballistic missiles:

Tuesday, January 11, 2022


 My Covid booster shot - first time with Moderna - hit pretty hard.

I fell asleep during the day with my clothes on, it was so powerful. Feeling

fine today, but now the weather is so cold I shouldn't leave the house until


Watching some YoutTube by periodically erasing my watch history, so I

am essentially watching what is trending. Below, two right interesting pieces

on Ancient Rome from yesterday. A moving crowd is a thing!!!

Friday, January 7, 2022

Handling It

 Not sure how I feel about this. Nobody wants to live in an 

endless emergency but social conditions have changed. the world

population is currently in billions, and the economy globalized.

I am also leery of the argument that vaccines are ineffective because

there are always new variants. Consider: we are seeing new variants in

hospitals but not the original virus. That tells me vaccination has been

successful in controlling it 😉

Wednesday, January 5, 2022


 Once and for all, the lowdown on obesity:

                                                             *     *     *


Fat cells are formed in the womb. It is in the period
between infancy and adolescence that the majority of fat cells
are formed. If fat deposits exceed the capacity of a cell, an adult 
can generate a new fat cell but this capacity is less as we age, and
stops completely in old age.

Fat cells themselves are replaced every ten years. In that period, the contents 
of the cell will change six times. (This is the healthy standard. Older people
whose fat cell contents does not renew might be more prone to illness.)

So two people of the same weight and sex can have very different fat
cell numbers and distribution on their bodies. Liposuction will actually remove 
fat cells altogether but there is a danger. If one gains weight after liposuction, 
the fat will appear somewhere else on the body because fat cell production
is signaled from an already full cell.

In extensio, one can assume that one's body fat distribution will be a function 
of the rate at which those initial cells were built up. If it happened with caloric binge
events, there might be more visceral fat as the body hurries to store all that fat.
If it was leisurely, there will be fat on the buttocks and other extremeties.

Below, very nice results with arms from a Parisian surgeon. Younger patients
might just have liposuction and the skin will spring back. In other cases, skin
also needs to be removed leaving a scar which will fade over six months.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022


 I must admit that starting off the new year back in lockdown

sent me in a bit of a spin. It's cold as heck, and waiting outside

to get into the grocery store is just that element of annoyance which

seems all too much. Plowing through, here.

In the spirit of this situation, I did make a resolution for the New Year: 

that of not gaining any weight - ever - over the next year. Because all that 

means is that one needs to take it off.

Been binge-watching YouTube videos about cruises. They're poignant, really.

Showing people having a grand old time before the corona. I was never much

drawn to them in the past because I am very sensitive to motion sickness.

All that free liquor and food in a moving ship. Why!?

On the up side, Rice Krispies are back on offer at a local store. During the

great shortage of said, discovered Crispix, which has half corn, half rice puffed

nuggets. Quite acceptabe, really🕵️‍♀️