Sunday, January 16, 2022

Natural Language

Back to CS50 AI for the last lecture, on Language:


The above list shows some of the tasks related to language

that AI has come to deal with. All require a consideration of

both syntax(the word order aspect of grammar) and semantics (meaning).

The cornerstone to how computers will approach things is Chomsky's

notion of context-free grammar and normal form ((CNF).  One builds things up

from the simplest - a noun verb combination - to more complex.

Using Python's natural language tool kit, the program is able to parse

sentences constructed from the given vocabulary. (News to me, French

now has the verb 'parser' to describe how computers propose  syntactic

analysis). A terminal symbol is a word, a non-terminal symbol is a word species 

such as noun, verb, determinative..., verbal phrase.

Program 0 reads simple sentences; program1 more complex but still has limits...

                                                                 *     *     *



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