Thursday, July 28, 2022

Fun Time

 I've been secretly bemoaning my 'all work and no play' status

with these python lessons, so I decided to break out of this mood. 

Downloaded Code Bro's version of the Snake Game, which is a standard

exercise for beginner coders. Ha! the game itself is difficult to play, let alone

code; but I have downloaded the code, and will be making an executable

of it later today. And this code does not use the pygame library, so it is the real

deal, from which I will try to learn.

So what is the Snake game about. The snake is a rectangle on a plain background

that the player moves in the desired direction to 'eat' a colored rectangle. If it succeeds,

the snake's body grows by one as does the score. If it hits any of the sides, it is game over.

That's it. It must eat the food from its head,  the leading rectangle.

Needless to say, the settings are everything. The game speed setting is how long

between updates, so a highr number is a slower game. One can also alter

 the board size and that of the game elements.


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