Saturday, December 3, 2022


 Full circle: I now know how to put together a light

version of tkcalendar, and persist previous entries with

json and a text file. 




I do realize that for a more evolved use than that of home , over a long period,

one needs to centralize entries and updates through the Date Entry feature, and a database...

                                                                        *     *     *

There is a need to use the strip() function as some point in the cycle. The square

brackets indicate that there might well be more than one event on a given date,

and thus more than one (color) tag associated with that date. One sees, below,

that one can move safely from one list to another ie open and close in a specific

session. Where the difficulty arises is in opening a new session. The brackets stop

the app from assigning a tag color to a date. Thus the need for the strip() function.

tkcalendar also allows one to move calevents up and down on a date, and thus change

color within a session. As well as adding and removing events, all features to

be worked on next...




Ultimately, there should be four buttons below the calendar space itself:

Add Event, Remoce/Change Event, Confirm, Clear all.

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