Friday, December 2, 2022


So for the last few days, I have been on one of my periodic ... ahem... weight reset adventures.

 It does help to do that once in a while: just basic fruit, veg and a bit of milk, toast and

protein. No dressing other than lemon juice, just water or black tea/coffee, everything 

simple and uncomplicated. And importantly, the same every day.

Because such a reset is not just, or even primarily, physical; it is a mental holiday

from having to make decisions about what and when to eat, about whether or not, about

the pleasures and perils of this or that. For those ten days, I will no longer OBSESS about

food. Ah...!



This is what I have eaten on Day 5. Yes, I am sometimes hungry at bedtime, tempted

to break open the cookies. But then I tell myself to just go to sleep. I have twelve hours

of respite ahead of me where there is no danger of my putting on water weight or whatever.

I am, for that period of time, safe from myself. Sometimes, I need that gift.

                                                                 *     *     *

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