Sunday, April 30, 2023

Coming Soon

 So tomorrow May 1 is Workers's Day in many countries, but this year it

is also Tax Day in Canada, the legal limit to filing one's return. Found this

interesting piece on plans to automate filing for many, starting next year.

A sidenote: this might involve help from the government to the

individual on the phone!! Something to think about...

Ottawa wants to automatically file taxes for low-income Canadians — and perhaps eventually for everyone (

                                                               *     *     *

ChatGPT is pretty helpful. Might this be an option ‽

                                                      *     *     *

Something to play with: Bing image creator:



Saturday, April 29, 2023

Not Easy

 Yes, my sight in the eye with the small cataract is getting better, but

after 21 days of drops and vitamins, would like to really nail this and

declare victory.

Been reading about cataracts in different languages. The 

German language Wikipedia account is a little gruesome, looking

at the historical idea that the 'stuff' of the cataract was actually mucus. 

No, it is degenerate proteins (is this mucus ‽). The only proven remedy

is surgical replacement of the lens once things get desperate enough.

The Russian language treatment held a nice surprise. Eyesight was restored 

to babies with cataracts, by activating stem cells which are present in the lens 

of the eye as much as anywhere else.

Which took me to 'how to activate stem cells'. It appears that fasting for

a few days is the best approach. But very difficult for modern humans 

surrounded by plenty.

Then, found the FMD; the fasting mimicking approach. Chatgpt:

Not that far from what old age has reduced my diet to. Just have to

ditch coffee and Rice Krispies, my last 'naughties', for 5 days a month.

It's never easy!!

Fasting Mimicking Diet: Do-It-Yourself Plan [5-Day Menu] (


Friday, April 28, 2023


 Dr Ketchum on Lipids; it's a joy!!

It all seems complicated, but functionally it isn't. The formation of an

ester produces water, which is the thug reaction:

The OH from the acid (which has two Os) pairs up with the lone H from

the alcohol (which has one O). That forms water. The commercially attractive

ester is the two residues coming together... 

Thursday, April 27, 2023


 It's fun to feel connected: thanks to my following Tammy Lemons on

YouTube, I knew today was Koningsdag - King's Day - in the Netherlands.

It is the national holiday.


Wednesday, April 26, 2023


 Someone asked me, on my morning walk, what an ester was. 

Some are edible, but not all: the one below is nail polish remover...





 Would really like to - finally - understand how fat metabolism

works!! Getting straight on the players:



Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Work from Home

 Workers say they are more productive from home, because less distracted.

Employers report that a work group as a whole is less productive if working

from home...

Protein Story

 Finding the interview below interesting. Stanford University is home to very

 smart people, so I listen...


Monday, April 24, 2023


 Interesting News: the GST rebate announced in the Spring budget has

benn fast-tracked through the House, and is currently in the Senate.


The Planets

 The CBC, this morning,  is covering imminent retrograde motion from certain

planets in our solar system:

Chatgpt helped me uncover a useful explanation of the phenomena:

source: Astronomy Magazine

In point of fact, Venus and Neptune also exhibit retrograde spin, and that is real!!




For a visual on Mercury retrograde:

The case of Mars: 


                                                                  *     *     *

Sunday, April 23, 2023

New FF

 Le Figaro reports today on two fastfood chains in France that

are doing extremely well. All ingredients are halal.

G LA DALLE (I'm ravenously hungry; got the munchies)

O'TACOS for pizzas and tacos

G's dessert menu:



O's main menu:                                                                      

High-calorie; low-cost. They offer student menus!!


 Continuing on yesterday's matrix discussion, the notion of matrix

rank is useful. One could have a three-row matrix with insufficient

information to generate a unique solution; one row might be a simple 

multiple of the other, or the result of one minus the other, or of an

addition...A computer would know after going through Gaussian


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The rank of a matrix is known after Gaussian elimination but Gauss-Jordan -

more computationally expensive - reduces the leading coefficients to 1s!


Saturday, April 22, 2023


 I was asked, last night during my evening walk, how to solve a system with 

three unknows. IIjauntily answered that a Gaussian Matrix would do the trick.

So how does that work.

Jumping right in:

                                                 *     *     *

source: Chatgpt

source: Britannica


source: Chatgpt


Friday, April 21, 2023


 The Senate of Canada just held two consecutive meetings on the Canada

Disability Benefit, and there is a further one planned for next week:


*     *     *

The Public Service strike has raised a few questions in my mind about what might

be going on here with respect to working conditions. And I am asking abou these 

because they are deep issues about work organiazation, unlikely to be properly addressed

as employee grievances.

Q1- Are there rules and procedures around those phone-in lines for things like tax

returns, security codes to access one's account. One calls and assumes that the people

answering are well organized, with sufficient breathing time and back-up when they 

need it. But some on the picked lines have presented a different picture...

Q2 - Going back to the office to insufficient workstations and 'archaic' computers.

Do work-at-home people use their own computers. Tell us more about 'archaic'...

Yes, the government seems to have a well-oiled computerized system. One would

like to think that the front-end workers and their procedured are also state-of-the


Wednesday, April 19, 2023

On Strike

 source:La Presse

author: Lila Dussault

translation: BingTranslate/doxa-louise


Hundreds of striking federal employees protest

Hundreds of federal public service strikers gathered in downtown Montreal on Wednesday to demand honest negotiations with their employer. This is the first walkout on this scale in more than 30 years.

Canadian federal employees carried out their threat of a general strike Wednesday morning, after another failure of negotiations with their employer Tuesday night.

In Montreal, hundreds of employees gathered on René-Lévesque Boulevard West, in front of the offices of the Canada Revenue Agency and Transport Canada. With upbeat music in the background, shouting at the sounds of motorists' horns, these strikers are ready to stay.

The Canadian Public Service collective agreement expired in 2021.

Pickets were also organized at five separate locations in Montreal and Longueuil.

"The public service is entitled to decent salaries, as much as people in the private sector," says Audrey Parenteau, who has been working in administration at Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada for the past year and a half. "We are just as affected by inflation," she adds. Both parties must negotiate in good faith."

At the forefront of union demands: a wage increase competitive with inflation and the question of the obligation to work at the workplace.

"We have 6500 members in Quebec, and about 2000 of them were hired from home. Now, they are asked to return to the office, which is not necessarily close to their home," explains Judith Côté, National Vice-President for Quebec of the Canadian Employment and Immigration Union (CEIU).

The return to the office of federal public servants, two or three days a week, was announced by Treasury Board last December. This measure has been denounced by unions, including the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada. It indicated in February that 1100 members had made requests to their union because of problems with the return to the office, whether in access to a daycare or problems with computer equipment.

"We have archaic tools and an archaic computer network," denouncesMs. Côté. And often, we learn about procedural changes from the media. »

[Our employer] is not assessing the impact of these procedural changes," adds Annik Beamish, another Quebec national vice-president for CEIU. "They have changed the way they work, of making files, without any support or follow-up. People were thrown about during the pandemic, have worked overtime. There they are exhausted. That is the current climate, and our employer refuses to acknowledge it. »

The issue of inflation

Another point of contention between the Treasury Board and union members is wage increases. The Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) is asking for a salary increase of 13.5% over three years, or 4.5% annually. This increase would cover the years 2021, 2022 and 2023.

"It's even less than inflation," says Ms. Côté, who does not explain the Treasury Board's most recent offer, which is rather 9% over three years.

This proposal angered a Canadian Heritage employee met on site, who preferred not to give his name. In particular, he is frustrated by the automatic wage increases granted to MPs on April 1, which go hand in hand with inflation and increases in private industry.

What bothers Fiona, an employee of  Service Canada, the most is her employer's expectation that she will continue to adapt and work regardless. "Without any wage increase, despite inflation, despite all the adaptations, despite the pandemic," she says. I am here to fight for my rights. »

"It's high time for our employer to listen to our demands," says Judith Côté.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023



Time It



*     *     *
CPI is at 155.3, up from 154.5


*     *     *

For those wishing to follow the drama on PSAC negotiations going down today,

a primer on the Commutativity Law. In short, the order of operations does not

matter in multiplication.




     Generating an 'average':


Other Laws of Algebra (translated from the German Wikipedia):