Saturday, April 29, 2023

Not Easy

 Yes, my sight in the eye with the small cataract is getting better, but

after 21 days of drops and vitamins, would like to really nail this and

declare victory.

Been reading about cataracts in different languages. The 

German language Wikipedia account is a little gruesome, looking

at the historical idea that the 'stuff' of the cataract was actually mucus. 

No, it is degenerate proteins (is this mucus ‽). The only proven remedy

is surgical replacement of the lens once things get desperate enough.

The Russian language treatment held a nice surprise. Eyesight was restored 

to babies with cataracts, by activating stem cells which are present in the lens 

of the eye as much as anywhere else.

Which took me to 'how to activate stem cells'. It appears that fasting for

a few days is the best approach. But very difficult for modern humans 

surrounded by plenty.

Then, found the FMD; the fasting mimicking approach. Chatgpt:

Not that far from what old age has reduced my diet to. Just have to

ditch coffee and Rice Krispies, my last 'naughties', for 5 days a month.

It's never easy!!

Fasting Mimicking Diet: Do-It-Yourself Plan [5-Day Menu] (


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