Friday, April 7, 2023


 I am not sure this was the issue that homeopathy was trying

to get at, but it might well be. Here I am trying to clean up a white veil

in my left eye with natural remedies: eye drops to supplement the

protein my body is supposed to be producing to do the job - but I am elderly -

and diet changes not to create more garbage in my eye: eliminating 

the 'oses', sucrose, fructose and lactose. Problem is, I also need quality vitamin C, 

and this means citrus in my diet... an 'ose'!

So I have tried eating,  at my evening meal, bits of orange with avocado, nuts and 

hard cheese in a rather unexpected salad with crunched up Ryvita crakers as croutons. 

Am using crushed pineapple as dressing. Very filling!!

So there's the problem: ingesting enough poison - the citrus - to cure the damage it

creates as a sugar.

On the upside, the eyedrops are dynamite, reducing the size of the white veil from 

day 1. Would really rather not be on those in perpetuity. Just have to do the math

on my new diet.

                                               *     *     *

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