Thursday, January 23, 2025


 Sometimes it pays to be a snoop. I was wondering how the upcoming

federal election might play out, and was curious as to how old the Conservative

leader Pierre Poilievre was. (He's 45!). The real find, though, was information about

his most unusual surname, Poilievre. Wikipedia brought up Nievre - a French 

Department (province, prefect) and then Poil, the Commune(city, mayor).

The Department of Nievre was created at the Revolution(1790). It is named for the

Nievre river at it's center. Poil, however, is not on the Nievre but is further east,

in an agricultural region. It has a population of 150 people! But hey, this is good; we are

in Burgundy, known for wines (Beaujolais) and great food (boeuf bourgignon).


The actual word 'Poil' is thought to be a deformation of Picte, a Celtic-era people known

to have inhabited  Scotland. The Picts resisted the Roman invasion of Britain.

In latin, 'picte' refers to 'painted men'.



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It's all in how one looks at it; President Trump indicated in his speech in Davos he

wanted to lower inflation in the US, and that lower world prices for oil would accomplish


A lower value on the American dollar would do it as well!! 

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