Thursday, November 22, 2012

4 pm

Things are moving along on my eRecipe Book of Festive
Desserts. I can now drag and drop text onto a page of my app, and the app now has
controls that permit me to fetch an image for the Picture box from anywhere
on the computer.

So I have a solution to the main pick-up tasks.

Next I am going to need some sort of array structure to index the recipes I pick-up.

Adding menus to a form is simpler than I thought with respect to coding - Visual
Studio really does deliver the goods with respect to properties and methods - but
trickier with respect to what one wants. An undo button that makes the same thing appear
and disappear in an endless loop is a daunting  issue to begin the day.

Not to mention Garbage Collection, an inverse Tooth Fairie that removes
unused code in the night. Because if you try to do it yourself, you will get a
run-time error that just won't go away. Grrr...

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