Thursday, November 1, 2012


An avid follower of tech news, I have been bravely making my way

through tutorials on how to build apps. The hoopla surrounding the question

on the web is centered on Microsoft's will to power, as it tries to find

a footing on the mobile computing market but there is an underlying

discussion to all that much more important. Apps are a good thing.

And taking our recent experience with Sandy à temoin, I would want to go

much further : apps are vital. And further yet, our computing devices are now an true

extension of ourselves, of our very intelligence.

I have in memory an event some 25 years ago : I had gone afield from my

appartment for a morning music lesson using my bicyle. There was pouring rain - and I

mean pouring - when the lesson ended so I made my way to a nearby shopping mall.

I was going to have a coffee and wait it out... I waited, and waited, and it was dark

and I was still there. It was getting embarassing because the mall was a quite

upscale place, with import designer clothes and so forth. There I was in bicycle clothes -

and one can only eat so many muffins, cookies etc - with my books, and I felt silly.

I ended up bicycling home in the dark on the Ottawa bikeway in the still pouring rain.

How could I have missed there was a hurricane or somesuch going on, were these news

people totally irresponsible, my clothes were soaked through after a few minutes and

this was late autumn cold rain. I could drink gin in a hot bath and still catch my death,

I should have sacrificed my vanity bike to the inevitable and taken a cab home...etc.

So I survived that one. Today I have a weather app on my destop with shows radar images of

moving clouds : I'm not sure I particularly trust weather news as forecasters to this day and I

am my own weather analyst. And phone apps are important, but I don't mean because I

intend to move to Florida with my tech money. Important to me as a free agent on daily


I have below an interesting presentation of WHO health data. It was put together by

a marketing firm and I find it awesome. My Ottawa acquaintances would howl that

free data circulates without interpretation but I am my own lifestyle analyst as well.

I found it while asking for breast cancer by country because I know people...

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