Tuesday, November 20, 2012


This calculator is a variant of the earlier Doxa one. The underlying code is a bit different

The numbers and display still work in the same manner: the numbers are entered and

concatenated as string, parsed and stored as numeric variables which are then operated on,

and converted back to string for the answer display.

The difference is that instead of using boolean values to identify the pertinent operation

to be enacted, one uses 'switch' and 'case' between operators. The code is lean and mean.

I still have issues about the looks a calculator should have. There is always muddling through

whenever one uses a new one, looking for where things are. Ongoing...

I have also lifted the icon form an icon archive. Should probably design my own but I like this


There are a lot of decisions to be made about the properties of a Windows form, whether the

user can resize it, what minimum size values it can take, whether a scroll window should

appear. These are real issues if one is designing apps for mobile devices.

One could get pretty creative with what appears, and what doesn't.


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