Friday, November 27, 2015


Far be it from me to tell politicians (and military bureaucracies) how to do their jobs. But there are human limits not to cross, and I fear that in the case of the Syrian Arab Republic, we may be crossing them.

Ten thousand bombs have been dropped on ISI so far. They are living in tunnels - kilometers of them - under what used to be cities. We reproach them being cavalier towads women, but let's admit things are pretty extreme, and there is no Prom night.

That country needs to be rebuilt from the ground up; we should be thinking about ways to make that happen.

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Voltaire wanted to see parallels between the Hindu concept of Brahman - the universal consciousness which ensures that prayer is efficient - and the Hebrew (and Islamic) person of Abraham. Such questions take us back beyond research, and relies on to intuition. We'll probably never know, but I cannot help but feel that someone 'did coffee' even if it is not in the historical record. We are often tempted to blame religion for many ills, but that need not be. Religion is also a positive thing, and bringing the Hindu tradition (which is not centralised) into the equation might ease tensions.

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