Friday, November 20, 2015


source: le Monde
Soren Seelow, in an interview with psychoanalyst Fethi Benslama
translation: doxa-louise


Historical traumas have long waves of propagation

especially so when an ideology feeds the masses. They are

transmitted from one generation to the other so that certain

individuals become the inheritors of infamy, be they aware of

the facts or not. The year 1924 sees the end of the last Islamic

Empire, 624 years old, the abolition of the Caliphate, that is to say the

principle of theologicla-political sovereignty for Islam, and the foundation

of the first secular government in Turkey. The Ottoman territory is parcelled and

occupied by colonial powers, Muslims go from masters to servants in their

own house. It is the collapse of a 1400 year old era, the end to the illusion of unity

and power. Thus begins a melancholy murmur on the dissolution of an

Islam which no longer exists.

The symptom of this historical fracture is the beginnings, in 1928, of the

Muslimsm Brotherhood, which is the transformation as an organization of

what one could designate the theory of 'the wounded Islamic ideal' which needs to

be avenged. Islamism promises the return of the caliphate by a defeat of States.

This reaction is multi-faceted: literal, puritanical, science-worshiping, political or

war-mongering. It carries a memory of the trauma and projects it to the

bad news dailies of suffering populations, military expeditions from the West and Civil



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