Sunday, December 16, 2018

Morning After

Some votes require more than a simple majority,
because they are disruptive; 2/3 thirds majority.
They indicate - the forever undecided and madmen
aside - a clear go-ahead with a new direction. Brexit
in the UK should have been one of these (I might
add with a cleaner view of Leave than a load of
money for Health Services, which wouldn't solve
the current health woes of an aging and badly nourished
population, anyway). The Brexit vote on record, in the 52-
48 range, is something of an indifference vote, crafted
by a so-clever debate. The Independance vote in Quebec
is one of those as well, and comes in at an elegant 50-50.

So what to do? Karl Lagerfeld said this morning that, although
he has great sympathy for the Gilets Jaunes, as a foreign national
in France, he doesn't need to have an opinion on all that. Same for
Brexit, I don't need an opinion. For what it's worth, those yellow vests
in the car are a European Union directive. I would hate to think that
the British everyman is loosing his. Europe is an old idea and, initially
only musicians and scientists were free-roving European citizens.
European-level institutions are still nascent, and I hate to think that
nobody at this point is expressing that...

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