Sunday, October 6, 2019


Was reading this morning a French language report
on Alzheimer's, and how researchers are frustrated trying
to understand how it develops. It all boils down to
two proteins accumulating in the brain. When both are
present in concert, the illness progresses inexorably.

Yet we also know that staying active, and mentally busy is
a good strategy for the elderly against all dementias. So I
was thinking: maybe the protein accumulates because it
is normally produced but just not used. It might just be
that we are reluctant to revisit certain memories. I know this
is true from my own experience.

Just this morning, on the news of the passing of Ginger
Baker, tried to listen to old Cream hits. Couldn't do it. In
my memory, these songs are linked to a time of anger and
fear, the V war. Had to work through that America has engaged
in military action since, just never with a conscript army. Closed
the file on the question for myself.

Hope that helps: Close the file!! The elderly have seen this world
go through a lot, and we need closure on many questions.

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