Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Pud, at last

In the yearly cycle of indulgence, little tops
the fun of pudding; in this case, Indian Pudding,
made from cornmeal and molasses.

And just to up my game, made the New York Times
version (with no butter) but substituted the whole milk
with coffee cream (10% fat).

Only had green salad and a boiled egg for dinner, but
that dessert was glorious!

*     *     *

Makes 10 generous servings at 350 cal. To get it down to
a more reasonable 200 cal, one needs 17 portions 🤔

Had I made this as per the recipe, with whole milk, it
would have come in at 2771 cals, altogether more reasonable.
Cold weather makes a soul go a little crazy, although
in my defense, I remembered while doing the calorie math
that I only used two eggs instead of the required four.

Why all the tweaking? This dish is a historical favourite from
the US, much adapted and enriched over the years.
Martha Stewart uses half and half in hers, which would
have added 550 cal to the dish.

Maybe I'll make French Canada's Pouding chômeur when
American Thanksgiving rolls aroung. Which gets a giggle
from American chefs as an expensive (maple syrup) dessert.
Here's the thing: it is actually Cottage pudding because
the unemployed man stays at the cottage, hence is a 'chômeur'😉

Actually, chômeur itself has come to mean unemployed,
not in active use. The original 'chaume' is the unused part
of the wheat harvest, left to cover the field. This also provided the
roofing material for the first cottages, on a model found
all over Europe, the chaumières. 

As for the pudding, it is a cake which rises above maple syrup.
Sinfully good.

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