Saturday, July 25, 2020

Not Stupid

Rummaging through my drawing apps this morning, looking for
what I might use for animation. Got a nice surprise:
Autodesk Sketchbook is currently absolutely free; all features. And
one can even animate with it, with a timeline and keyframes.

I think this is a much appreciated app because it is not stupid.
For example, one could write HELLO with a pen, decide that one
of the Ls is too thick and adjust it with the soft erase tool. No
eraser on this earth will do a good job on something written with
ink on paper, but a computer app can do it, no problem. it is the
same, and it is different as using an ink pen; just the particulat genius
of the computer. I do not doubt that, with time, one might approach
computer drawing with ever less of a reliance on  primitive real-world
technologies for art. Who knows?!

                                                                 *     *     *
Layer 1
 Layer 3

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