Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Staying In!

What to say: the Covid-19 epidemic is spreading at an
accelerated rate in the US, spearheaded by younger people ie
under 41. I did read yesterday one interesting thing: modeling
shows that the three basic steps: hand washing, distancing, wearing
a mask can do the job of slowing this epidemic. AND, partial
compliance is still effective. By this is meant, no all or nothing
thinking: some distancing, kinda wearing a mask,
washing one's hands now and again are better than not. It's
like dieting, we can do this!!

Lyse made a striking remark to me the other day, as I told her how
soe Florida hospitals were reaching ICU capacity. "They're not used
to staying in. In Canada, it's like a continuation of winter. Oh H..., but
we know what to do. These people lack practice staying home...'

Probably true, lockdown weariness is surely a factor. So
some advice from Canada: give yourselves time off from
each other, with separate spaces for things. Put a TV in the kids'
room; let Dad drink beer and sulk on his own, leave mom alone
when she raids the pastry bin. Be TOLERANT. One thing that works
for Lyse and me is different schedules. I sleep when she is up and
vice versa. Our schedules overlap four hours a day, and we enjoy
seeing each other when we do...

                                      *     *     *

Larger cities in the US have seen hotels offer day rentals for those
who need a clean and private space to work form.           

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