Thursday, July 23, 2020


Found a fun YouTube channel showcasing historical recipes
for foods we still enjoy. The vid below, in particular. made me
feel a lot better about my cake cooking. Turns out that - before
electrical ovens - one might not calibrate with the temperature
of the oven. Bread would be baked first, when the oven was at its
hottest; then in would go the cakes to cook while that very hot
oven would cool down aka the 'slack' oven.

How charming! I'm forever worrying about too cooked spots
on the top - or worse - sides of my cakes. Not with this system.
One just needs to check for doneness; that is, use a toothpick in the
middle of the cake. Voilà! that's the way to the perfect cake!
Can't wait to try this 😊

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