Sunday, October 4, 2020


Getting into this Game course. For me, half the battle is

getting set up!

The below code -given Pong0 and its main.lua on the C drive - will open, as well.

*     *     *

The course itself is being given by someone on a Mac, but it is easy enough to
follow from a windows 10 machine. 

This is explained in the first lecture, which deals with looking at the classic Pong
game: LOVE itself is a runtime, but without  an interface. Lua is the coding
language, so that running anything involves dragging it unto the runtime.

Seems primitive, but it is actually time-saving. All of the game is in code blocks
one either uses as such or overrides with new values. One can navigate form  the
command prompt, but I have chosen to work from the desktop. 

The ever-growing code is in segments one can either look at or run by dragging the
segment over the LOVE shortcut. LOVE itself stays in Program Files and love.exe
is what opens the game window.

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