Saturday, July 10, 2021


 Been getting interested in HTML again; found out about Bootstrap,

which automaticaaly makes responsive layouts if one works with their templates.

Installed it on VSCode. Below, used code suggested by W3 schools to illustrate;

changed the warning entry from yellow to purple by adding a custom CSs file

which overrides the intial Bootstrap.

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Got SASS working: it needs to be installed as an etension. One creates a new 

setting with a $sign, and refers to this variable, in redoing our css, all in a .scss

file. if one has licked the warchSASS icon atthe bottoms of the page, the actual

css file now reads to the new settings...

My headng  - originally in Times New Roman - is now in Arial...

A lot of work for this particular little change, but no doubt useful on a larger


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