Tuesday, July 20, 2021


 Is there anything more conveluted than 'making it easier' code!?

One cool takeaway: on windows, one can move from command prompt

to vscode with the word 'code' followed by a pace and then a dot ...

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So what is going on, here. If I want anything to happen, I have to run the server

first wth the runserver command. This server is a django creation on which I can test 


The http play - hello - is an app within the lecture project; there can be many apps like

Google can have search, map and other functionalities. We are looking at how a large

project is built-up and changed on a day-to-day basis.

For the case of interest here, hello is an app. Views define what the viewer sees, urls

how the user can ask for things. the urls file within lecture3 is more general.


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Been reading about localhost. Below, the machine translationof the

russian-language entry:

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