Friday, July 16, 2021


 Ran a new utility yesterday - the system file check - to scan for corrupted

files in Windows. dll files (dynamic Link Library) are

what allows Windows to run more than one program at once

by sharing drivers. The sfc /scannow command, run on

Windows administrator, repeairs these files from a cached version.

*     *     *
Starting to see why Python is such a well-like coding language

with programmers. Simplicity itself. Below, input calls a user input

function, and what the user writes is turned into a variable...

By default, all input is a string so one needs to specify integer so

that the condition code works. Note that identation is necessary in Python

and the print command has to be to the right of 'n'.

Here, user input is a proxy for game changes to x:

Like with C, one can act on the first letter of a string with array notation. We are 0-indexed

asa result:

Python is an interpreted scripting language; just reads through the commands...

A set  is one in the mathematical sense, where each member is unique (as opposed

to a list, where the same item can show up more than once):

Predictably, there are now 3 elements in the set s:

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