Wednesday, August 25, 2021


 The user interfaces tuto is very helpful. One learns how to - with great parcimony -

set up a website with many pages. There is really only one page, but one shows only

certain parts of it, on demand.

Below, the code for pages1, 2, 3:

Had a spot of fun adding style differences:


                                                                       *     *     *

Here is the magic part. One can, with django, make asynchronous javasxript

calls. This app has all the features of a django app, and works to show that bit

of text required from the user asking for page1, or2, or 3.

                                                           *     *     *

A fancier version of the index.html above goes so far as show the section the user has asked

for in the url; apparently, something the user expects. So this code 'adds' it in, mimisking

what a site with actual mutiple pages would do!! (Uses push going forward; pop going back).

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