Sunday, October 3, 2021

New Bond

 What now for the James Bond franchise!? What Brit is

actor might be hot enough to embody this mythical figure.

Not a woman (Athough one might call her Coralie Quantitativeasing.

Because that is what the original Bond represented: Victory at a price,

financed by the Future. And we are still at it...

Daniel Graig will be tough to follow. Here we have a strong actor capable

of suggesting great moral intrigue while doing mundane things, like a night

with his girlfriend.

Staying with the Bond name, I would suggest the premise should be that James

has died, but  - unbeknownst to all - he had a child with one of his conquests.

And only this youngish insouciant man can save the world...

The myterious RG

Wth a theme song by Ed Sheeran...

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