Thursday, December 9, 2021


 I've been touched by the mental struggles of binge eating young women

on YouTuve lately. From the vantage point of my advanced age and experience -

ahem - I might add this. The struggle is real, ladies, but there is a pysiological basis

to the whole thing. Dr Mike spilled it; eating sugar, or any quick-release carb, will

augment the production of ghrelin, the hunger hormone. One just feels more, and

more, hungry the more one lapses into a sugar episode. That's the dark secret.

There is nor cursed mental state that afflicts binge eaters. They are quite normal

people...on a binge.

Three meals a day, no snacks, and correct for excessive hunger by eating more 

high-fiber veg, fruit and protein at the expense of carbs for a while. All will snap back 

into place in a day or two. 

You are not helpless with respect to food. Everyone should have some go-to breakfast

to kick-off a new more subdued cycle. An egg on toast with a cup of tea!? You get 

the idea. All meals should have pre-defined boundaries: a cheese sandwich contains

no more than one ounce of cheese, a serving of rice and chicken is only so big, and

so fort. Planning, and sticking to plan, is the key. And no all or nothing thinking.

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