Thursday, December 2, 2021


 Been playing with the firt assignment on the Learning lecture, CS50 AI.

Found someone who had successfully completed the empty functions and ran

the code. There is a huge - 12,000 records - of visits to a shopping site as data

for the assignment. One opens it in Excel or some such, to peruse the data.

Below, I am on the free Google spreadsheet.

The code uses the Nearest-Neighbor algorithm to predict whether a shopper will

make a purchase or not. The last column in the data records whether a purchase was 

made last time.

All in all, good at predicting a purchase will not be made, but less so about when one


Need to read up more on what is going on. Why I am getting slightly different results

with every run!?

                                                                 *     *     *

Why Do I Get Different Results Each Time in Machine Learning? (

What Does Stochastic Mean in Machine Learning? (

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