Monday, December 6, 2021


 After years of castigating the health establishment for promoting

low-fat (and thus high-sugar) food planning, the health and fitness 

people seem to have come to a new understanding. It is insulin spikes that distort

metabolism, stop weight loss, and promote hunger attacks. Once insulin production

is under control, eating reasonably is not that difficult. And weight stability sets in.

Hoorah! am happy there is a consensus. Where there does seem to be debate, though,

is between low-carb and all-out keto. 

To my mind, this is not a trivial debate at all. As an older person, I really appreciate

 not having to diet any more. If one morning I am 200 grams heavier, I have Ryevita

crackers with peanut butter and tomato, rather than with peanut butter and banana.

And that is as serious as it gets. But the proponents of all-out keto make a stonger case. 

I might be endangering my health by keeping bad carbs in my diet. Sugar is a poison.

I did google whether ketosis or glucose metabolism came first in human evolution. What 

I did find out is that it is Neanderthals who introduced starchy vegetables to the human diet.

Perhaps to feed a larger brain; or provide more stamina. A puzzling but interesting


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