Wednesday, December 22, 2021


 It does appear the the Omicron variant is different enough that it 

has the capacity to infest the previously infected and the vaccinated.

So although it spawns less serious cases for most of us, from the

point of view of slowing the spread, one should see oneself as vulnerable

and stay away from crowds as much as possible. Got it.

My pharmacy was really clever about the test kit: they called me last night

one hour before closing time and told me I had an hour to pick it up. I did, in

a largey empty pharmacy.

The piece below contais some interesting information: Omicron is different enough

that it may have emerged from someone with a compromized immune system, giving

it time to accumulate mutiple mutations without interference!?

I am not looking forward to queuing outside for stuff. Quebec in winter is no joke.

Waiting outside 4 or 5 hours for a test may no longer be humane as the temperature 

plummets in the next few days. And crowding in shopping centers outside a reduced

entry store is silly and counterproductive.

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