Monday, May 30, 2022


 I love YouTube and amuse myself with various takes

on geological and archeological subjects. Indeed, my latest forays 

have taken me to the myth - or accounts - of Gilgamesh, a Sumerian

king. G is interesting because his alledged existence, at the beginning

of the third millenium BC, would have coincided with the first cities

important enough to have elites within them, and not just the egalitarian

small-scale villages of earlier communities. His name means 'the king 

was a prince', thus we are dealing with monarchy, and he is initially portrayed as 

abusive of his people. He is larger than others and seduces all the women...Booh!

Interestingly, there is also a story line which refers to the Great Flood, mentionned

in biblical litterature and elsewhere. Maybe we will eventually find evidence of a great

flood event, but certainly early humans experienced water rises after the last

Glaciation Event ended, and pieces of land that were earlier walkable would have become

covered with water and have necessitated that 'mankind' build boats...


                                                            *     *     *

So how is his name pronounced!? Below, for the Englich, French and German:

how is Gilgamesh pronounced - Rechercher (

Comment prononcer Gilgamesh en Français |

                                                          *     *     *

Frem the German-language Wikipedia:

                                                           *     *     *

On with the show:

                                                            *     *     *,to%202.5%20metres%20per%20century.

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