Saturday, May 14, 2022

Little Shop

 Today is Freedom Day in Quebec: one can enter an

indoor commercial space like a Mall or restaurant without

a mask. Hourah! Although - strangely enough - this doesn't apply

for public transport and provincial Ministers will continue to

wear them in their public appearances. What can this be about!?

Well, here's a take on it. Old people are dangerous!! We get infected

more easily and seriously than others and, as a consequence, we can

then turn around and infect others. is this not the unspoken truth of this

whole pandemic. Oh yes, this pandemic was made possible by our

current demographic as the babyboom generation drifts into retirement.

All this is in the numbers, alass. One just needs to see how waves play out in

countries with younger populations like South Africa: it's here, it's gone.

And Bill Gates is right: we may well be hit with another pandemic before long.

So I'm keeping a mask in the back compartment of my purse, this morning, as I 

go out for a little shop...

Factoid moment: China has a rapidly aging population; Russia does not.

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