Thursday, May 26, 2022


 Hard to know what actually happened: the shooter apparently

downed everyone in that classroom he entered. One would think that, seeing

the 'magic' gun down the first victim might wake up the shooter to the

horror of what he was doing, but no. Everyone had to be killed, until there

was total silence. There then followed a half hour until the police forced

entry into the room.

What this tells me is that the shootings were done very simply: the shooter was

an adept at video games. Anyone who has played shooter games knows - and

has had much practice - in cleansing the environment of enemies. That is the skill

the game rewards: gotta get'em all. Am I blaming video games here: yes and no. 

This is computer culture, could have been a puzzle game, any number of games he

practiced on. The shooter was no longer sharing social space with us; this was a 

psychotic episode.

Actually, I've noticed this new human skill in other environments. Grocery stores 

are hostile environments, where one can easily be called out for 'unacceptable'

behaviours. This has not always been the case over my lifetime.

Guns, per se, are not the problem. But they are not the solution, either, to anything...

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The shooter was on Yubo - a French phone app - for teens, where

everything happens in real time. Said he was trying to create an event that mimicked

a favourite TV show of his, wherein a group of  young internet sleuths track

down someone dangerous...He wanted to be infamous!!

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source: Le Figaro Published yesterday at 7:19 p.m., updated8 hours ago

author: Ronan Planchon

translation: GoogleTranslate/doxa-louise

Massacre in Texas: "For some Americans, including Democrats, the firearm is a cultural object"

"The firearm (40,000 victims per year) is the leading cause of death among young people", Olivier Piton. NURI VALLBONA / REUTERS

Olivier Piton is a lawyer in Washington and elected consular representative. Last published work: “Kamala Harris. The pioneer of America” (Plon, 2021).

INTERVIEW - On May 24, a young man shot and killed 19 children and 2 adults at a school in Texas. For Olivier Piton, a lawyer in Washington, a limitation on the carrying of weapons in the United States would only be possible if the various State governments consent to it, and would also require a more restrictive interpretation of the second amendment to the Constitution

LE FIGARO. - An 18-year-old opened fire Tuesday at an elementary school in Texas, killing 19 young students and two teachers. Is there a particular culture of violence in this country where frequent killings are carried out by often young men?

Olivier PITTON. - There is a double culture that explains the inability to modify, except at the margin, the legislation on firearms in the United States. The first is inherited from the American Revolution. Indeed, the second amendment of the Constitution – at least its current reading – celebrates the right of every citizen to carry a weapon. Before independence, this right was reserved only for the British. It is therefore a form of mythology of the liberation of the people.

According to this line of argument, modifying national legislation and above all modifying the Constitution on the carrying of arms would therefore amount to calling into question the sacrosanct balance between the states and the American federal state.

The second is linked to the prerogatives of the States governments against the federal State, always suspected of wanting to trim the…

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