Monday, March 27, 2023


 Turns out it's a marine ecosystem! Yep, that disturbing mass

of brown algae headed for Florida is not specifically a monstrosity

created by climate change, but something that has been active

in the Atalantic for a very long time. Below:

L’ennemi juré des touristes contre-attaque | La Presse

                                                 *     *     *

Curious about how greescreen editing works, I've been playing

with the greenscreen filter on ClipChamp video editor (which comes

with windows 11). In fact, I had to create greenscreen images for

use in the video: not really 'green', in effect, the first two are on red and the third

on blue. That is the whole challenge of greenscreen. The forefigure

one wants to add to the scenery has to have no 'green' on it at all, or else

the figure image will have gaping holes.

Below: the images on my assets panel, and the little videoclip so far.

This is all incredibly space consuming on the computer!!!



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