Thursday, March 9, 2023

Django 11

The Bank of Canada took pity on us yesterday;and did not raise rates.

from  WOWA:

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 Quick operation on my simpleblog, this morning. Logged in to give myself the

full Lorem Ipsum text. Only the first 200 characters appear on the home page, at the moment.

Will be working on Django #11, using HTML on a blog post.


Pretty straightforward. The problem is to allow html markings to do their magic,

something that Django doesn't allow for security reasons. One merely adds the 

word safe to the template next to body.

There is one side-effect to this:the markings then appear in the home page.

Tomorrow's problem!!






                                                                    *     *     *

We are legion to do this, and suffer in silence as a consequence. that is, spend hours

indoors in front of a computer screen. The neglected side-effect: eyesight. We are 

always focusing straight ahead. I already knew going outside and looking toward the horizon

made me feel better, but this little exercise routine made me realize how underused my ocular

muscles were becoming. Recommend:

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