Saturday, March 25, 2023


 source: La Presse

authors: Mélanie Marquis, Joël-Denis Bellavance

translation: BingTranslate/doxa-louise

Joe Biden's visit to Canada: A series of joint initiatives

U.S. President Joe Biden's official visit was an opportunity to announce a series of initiatives between Canada and the United States that are the result of several months of talks and negotiations. Here is an overview of the main measures.


Canada re-affirms its stance: there is no question of sending a security intervention force to stabilize the situation in Haiti. The government, however, will inject $100 million in additional aid "to provide better police support to the Haitian National Police" and impose sanctions on two members of the elite "who take advantage of violence and insecurity," Trudeau said at a press conference with Joe Biden. "I'm not disappointed," said the president of the United States, whose administration wanted Ottawa to take command of a multilateral force. However, he remains of the opinion that action is needed to put an end to the chaos. But "any decision surrounding the use of military force should, in our opinion, be taken in consultation with the United Nations and the Haitian government," insisted the tenant of the White House.

Chinese intervention

While the joint Ottawa-Washington communiqué refers to China – its "economic coercion, its anti-market policies, its human rights abuses" – nothing has embodied its disruptive actions better than the presence of Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor in the galleries of the House of Commons. "I am very happy to see both Michaels. They were reunited with their families safe and sound after more than 1000 days in detention [in China]," President Biden said in his speech to parliament. Ironically, the day before, in the same room, the two men were being talked about because of the allegations against MP Han Dong. Asked if he believed that, as reported by Global News, the elected official had suggested to the Chinese consul general in Toronto to delay the release of the Canadian hostages, Justin Trudeau dodged the question at the closing press conference. Asked to speak out if he felt the need, Joe Biden remained silent.

Focus on nuclear energy

The major transportation electrification project will have an impact on energy consumption. Canada and the United States are building on advances in nuclear technologies to meet increased demand for electricity, particularly small modular reactors. Both countries wish to promote their use elsewhere. "We intend to work closely with emerging nuclear markets to promote the increased use of advanced nuclear energy globally, while ensuring the highest standards of nuclear safety, security and non-proliferation," reads a joint statement from the U.S. Department of Energy and Canada's Department of Natural Resources.

Charging terminals

The planned mass production of zero-emission vehicles in both countries must be accompanied by a massive deployment of charging stations on both sides of the border. In this regard, Canada and the United States have agreed to harmonize charging standards and establish cross-border corridors for the supply of "alternative fuels". Significant sums of money are already planned. The US$7.5 billion in the U.S. Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is expected to be tapped. In Canada, the $1.2 billion already announced fund will be drawn on for the installation of a network of fast-charging stations for electric vehicles.

Critical minerals

Access to critical minerals for electric vehicle battery manufacturing is a top priority for the Trudeau government and the Biden administration. As a result, Canada and the United States commit to building a North American supply chain of critical minerals that is "strong, environmentally responsible and resilient." "We are committed to identifying, acquiring and exploiting opportunities to extract, process, manufacture and recycle critical minerals in both countries to diversify critical supply chains in the clean energy, electric vehicle, semiconductor, aerospace and defense sectors, among others."

Great Lakes Cleanup

In a week when the United Nations warned of the "imminent risk of a global water crisis," Canada announced $420 million over 10 years to preserve and restore a "shared national treasure" – the Great Lakes, a source of drinking water for 40 million people. An announcement welcomed by the United States, where the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law plans to invest $1 billion for clean-up and restoration activities in this freshwater ecosystem, the largest in the world.

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