Monday, May 22, 2023



Yesterday was World Baking Day and I failed to bake, playing with machine

learning on the computer instead. So today is a Holiday, VictoriaDay/LesPatriotes 

and I'm planning to make up for thpeasantis. I'm off to buy some imported ricotta($$) to

make a fancy  dessert of Ricotta Semoule Cake. 🍰



                                                        *     *     *

Federal Spending | U.S. Treasury Fiscal Data

Debt ceiling basics: What you need to know, what default might mean (

Been looking through the official publications of the US government on the

budget situation. Interesting, if a bit unexpected; everything is in terms of the

projected GDP!!


No wonder there's a lot of posturing; everything is speculative...

Budget | Congressional Budget Office (

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