Friday, June 7, 2024


 The desktop keyboard on my windows computer - which I use to type emojis -

 seems to be loosing the plot. I sent a message to Lyse, to tell her she had a package, 

and the emojiI chose was a female. It showed up as a female with a female symbol as

I typed and removed the latter. Lyse ended up receiving the male version of the emoji.

I have no idea what is going on.

                                                           *     *     *

Sharma, lesson 7 explores the CNOT gate.

A standard CNOT relation will follow a truth table:



The difference in the results comes from which is control, and which is target.

The case of a CNOT from a Hadamard gate is more dramatic. There is a 50/50

chance of either outcome (superposition) but both qubits will measure prcisely 

the same. This is entanglement.



A different kind of display is required for this situation, the qsphere. As well,

aer (which is a simulator program) will output a rigorous 50/50 on anything Hadamard,

and not simulate chance or noise differences...

So we have shown 'spooky action at a distance' but No Communication applies as well!!



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