Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Debate

 I actually missed the American Presidential debate, slept through the whole thing.

I am no longer young, and like to crawl in be with a bowl of fruit salad and a game of

Scrabble some time after 8. Long story short, this is how I learned about it. I admit it:

found that account of things at times amusing, as well as sad:

                                                        *     *     *

Sharma 11 deals with a minor problem in quantum computing, but one that needs 

to be addressed witout fail: taking out the garbage. An oracle is a bit of classical

computing that is assigned to a quantum computer in the context of a larger problem.

In classical computing, te garbage from a computation ie intermediate steps, is removed

easily enough. Not so in the context of quantum computing. There has to be an

explicit element within a register. Below: the input is conserved, the garbage gets


We should see tis in action when we deal with algorithms.

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