Wednesday, February 24, 2016


For once, Canada is smug. We are the ones with a young well-oiled government.

Because for all the consternation on the parts of pundits commenting the American
Presidential election, the core issue is not Left or Right, it is senility. We are hearing
the mad inner dialogue of the old:  win, win, a wall...lies like a dog...and so
forth. B. Sanders, H. Clinton and D. Trump are the major contenders left, and all
three are retirement age. And they have arguably cleared the decks of opposition by
blurting stuff out. What about that server...

I haven't checked Congress on the age question, but their behaviour has been pretty
childish as well: shutting down the government, and now declaring up front they won't
allow the nomination of a new Supreme Court Justice. It is not as if they could argue
this would be pre-emptive. Just well, because.

American media seem at a lost in dealing with this. Youngins!!!

                                                                   *  *  *

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