Saturday, January 14, 2017


It's - 17° C this morning, but oddly, there is no snow on the ground
because of weeklong rains. Strange weather.

One month after my fall, and the swelling and discolouration are abating. Not entirely
recovered but a lot better. Thankful that I am going to get through this...

My hair has been growing like crazy from all he protein I've been eating. Even
had green lentils last night, which are filling if a little bland. Added pickles to a
mayo veg salad (known as Russian salad) which helped. Been reading up about
garam masala - the wisdom of another culture - although it turns out Canada is a
major producer of pulses. Who knew.

It's going to get warm again next week, but I need to go out today because I'm low
on pain killers. Down to three times per day from four, but I'm insecure about supplies.

The absolute best thing for my arm is soaking in a warm bath. Will be trying
a whole shoulder soak next.

                                                    *   *   *

Interested to consider paresthesia, a feeling of numbness or tingling
considered unpleasant but not painful: the pins and needles
of a limb 'falling asleep' This was the dominant feeling in my arm
over the last month, and what is lifting as the swelling and discolouration
go down. It is the result of a pinched nerve.

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