Thursday, March 9, 2017

At work

Although well into retirement age, one thing I do enjoy
is going to various Microsoft events, which are sometimes
workshops. Because one meets interesting people, from
managers to computer workers and one might be tasked to form
teams. Whatever is going on in that session, one will leave having
learnt something.

Particularly interesting is how things go down in organizations
where computer professionals (aka coders) and other creatives
work together. It is rather different than the environment in
government organizations, which is solo work punctuated
by meetings. Here, it is group work in sepulchral silence, or perhaps
a whispered communication only those involved can hear. And
you can have a good day where there is absolutely no output.

When there is output - to the group - it's a party.

It is important to have some sense of this, a good manager
can convey it.

It is rumoured that organizations such as Facebook and Google
have fun work environments, with insane perks. There is more to
know about that, and it may well be related as much to the
rhythms of the work being performed, as to progressive management.

Oh, and you have to be dressed like a bear, because a room
full of expensive laptops is kept pretty cool. And it's okay to go
to the goodies table for a drink or nibble. Brrrr!

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