Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Hard News

In hard news: Ivanka Trump will be getting a West
Wing office, as a citizen advisor to her father's administration.
Perfectly legal!!

Donald Trump is a billionaire, number 544 on the list of the
World's billionaires published by Forbes (There are 2043
although, 565 are actually Americans). Reported in
yesterday's Libération.

The Times will not be hosting its usual pre-party
for the annual Correspondents' dinner. And will be making a
donation instead of tables at the event.

I thought it was snobby when the New Yorker
pulled out. The Times not going? Downright humourless!!

I also read recently, in the National Enquirer, that Barack
Obama's brother was showing a birth certificate to the
effect that B. O. was actually born in Kenya. Nothing
that I'm going to lose sleep over, but it might well be true.

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