Wednesday, March 29, 2017


The French Presidential election seems to be caught up in a
rather silly business having to do with financing the wardrobe of the
President's significant other.

For President Hollande, the problem solved itself
in that the mother of his children is currently a minister in his cabinet
(Segolène Royal, Environment), and can choose and finance the look
appropriate for her status.

We learned yesterday that E. Macron - the current favourite from the
Socialist family -and his older teacher wife, currently on leave, have also
solved the problem. She receives clothes, on loan, for each public appearance
from the Dior family of Luxe businesses. Everything is duly returned.

We are left with the unpleasant affair of the large amounts
that were paid to the English wife of candidate Fillon, for the right,
rumoured to be put 'en examen' - indicted - today. She was, to put it
mildly, overpaid for ther services while her husband was Prime Minister,
thus allowing her to sport the expensive look the wives of the political class
are expected to project. France is, after all,  in the Luxe business. Not very
savoury, as an issue. F. Fillon was initially favourite, but he is being tanked
on this and nothing seems to help, the more he complains.

A minor issue, internal to the French election, no doubt. But it is clear that in
the Internet age, there is great pressure on certain women to be style icons.
Michelle Obama got her frump out, and it was a stretch for her, not always
congruent with her personality. Melania Trump won't leave the house and
designers pronounce on whether they would dress her at all!? Perhaps there
was protection in being the invisible wife of earlier presidencies.

It's all the Queen's doing, who has always worn monochrome outifts in bright
colours, to be easily seen in a crowd. Maria Theresa of Austria, during her reign,
was 'king' of Austria, the title of 'queen' being reserved for the spouse of the monarch.
It is clear today the the spouse of a head of state - where there is one - is a host or
hostess. Surely provisions could be arranged for that, no questions asked.

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