Monday, June 26, 2017


So yesterday I found myself arguing to my daughter that LGBT had too
many categories and things going on at the same time. Her view was that
everyone is currently gender fluid anyway, so what's the problem. And that is
the core of it, what IS the problem.

Below, a photo from the recent Comme des garçons show, Menswear, Spring 2018.
Yes, the look is gender fluid. And yes, a little attention and one sees the person is a dude,
nonetheless. Which is not always that easy a call, because there are men and women of
all sizes and morphologies these days.

Gender fluidity is an aesthetic, but it is also quite conservative. I do not need to reveal my
gender  on the street, I can walk through as a young person and not get harassed. My
friends know what there is to know, I reveal myself on my own terms.

The Gay Pride movement refers to struggles of quite a different era. On the front lines, openly
homosexual men, or men at great pains to hide homosexuality from family, friends and the
workplace. And ongoing concerns about 'coming out'. Because deep down one knows.
I remember when these were vital issues; young people today might not.

What is the talk these days in political terms: it is about presenting, the right for all to
present the gender identity they aspire to. Very different from the gender fluidity movement,
but perhaps confused with it for some.

Politicians currently make it to the Gay Pride parade every year. I can't say I
am totally comfortable with it, because it is a bit of a costume occasion. Let's get over it.
And concentrate on political issues when there are some.

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