Monday, June 19, 2017


'Arguably the best new game at the show'. The reviewer was
referring to the new Mario Bros for Switch. To then go on to
point out that it was perhaps not as innovative technically as some
of the other games, but Mario, the lovable plummer, has acquired a
slew of new powers.

Looking at the trailer, I was enchanted all over again. And the word
is not too strong because the world of Mario is - and always has been -
a magical soothing place. We had Mario in the house when L. was
growing up, and Mario's world for millennials is like the world of
Disney for boomers. It is a reference, not always acknowledged as such,
but totally life defining when one examines things objectively.

I am wearing a t-shirt and shorts as we speak - as are most of the folks
at the home across the way - checking the clubhouse on
the internet...

Millennials on YouTube go on quests, eat ridiculous amounts of food,
show us their shopping hauls, make drone maps of their surroundings
run catchy repetitive musical themes. It's Mario's world forever. Not a
bad thing.

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