Friday, June 2, 2017

Little Note

Rereading myself on China yesterday, I do sound condascending.
Not my inention in the least. Just trying to express what might be
going on in a culture I have little experience of. Using theory and
conjecture, always a  hazardous enterprise. The bottom of the issue is this:
what happens when Western hygiene practicess, vaccines and industrialized
medecine hits a culture that was getting along without these.
The planetary answer was a population explosion.

The organic nature of societies needs a better appreciation, including
our own. Because if Western societies did use contraception to the point where
we are now below replacement, we are also aging weird and overweight, factors
being looked at by a different committe in the UN. We are now allowed more
deviant behaviours with respect to lifestyle because the health system will catch us.
Just not wishing that on the neighbors!!

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