Saturday, June 10, 2017


Didn't listen to the Comey testimony this week but I did
read all about it. The take-away for me was that M. Comey did tell
the President on more than one occasion that he was not under
investigation as a possible Russian agent. Something which pleased the
President no end, and which he wanted made public. But at the same time,
he was eloquently silent on the other possible  form of investigation,
which is criminal. And he didn't want to commit publicly on the President's
all-clear on treason in case elements surfaced which warranted changing
his status in that respect. What a nut-job!!

Indeed, ever since the first meeting between the two men, when M. Comey
informed the candidate Trump about those unsubstanciated stories of a
Russian hotel room and rocker sexual practrices, things had been strained between
the two. Which is a little surprising given that M.comey was well known as a
Republican sympathizer, but that Democrat Obama did name him to the job in the
first place. Wonder why.

Take what he did to Hillary Clinton, letting the public know about every little
change in the status of her investigations, although his assesment was that no
prosecution would have been possible on that case. Gross negligence on national
security, yes, but nothing one would want to prosecute.

Vladimir Putin was also on television this week, but I didn't catch that either.
Anyway, he was on translation, so God only knows what he actually said.
Although he did mention that we, in America,  seem to lead boring lives. Which
bears thinking about... It is no secret that he and Mrs Clinton shared a certain
personnal anymosity, although this fantastic deal transferring American uranium
to Russia did happen while she was Secretary of State. But then so did he liberalization
of the Eastern block. Odd!

Those new Russian hypersonic missiles seem pretty cool. Probably make the NATO
block nuclear arsenal obsolete and a good deal more. Wonder what it would cost
to see the plans on those. Probably a lot. Nobody wants to rule the world anymore.
Appease it for twenty years, maybe. I'm such an optimist!

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