Monday, August 14, 2017

Avocado Season

Again this morning, some poor soul on MSN was singing the avocado
blues: how to keep an avocado from turning brown once it has been
cut into. The classic answer is lemon juice and plastic, but anyone who
has tried this knows the results are imperfect, and browning occurs anyway,
especially if one waits more than one day to go back to the leftover.

What works at 100% - in my experience - is white vinegar. Soak the exposed
piece in the vinegar, and wrap in a plastic bag; it will be spotless when you go back.

There is one drawback, though: a lingering taste of vinegar, which is stronger
than a hint of lemon. Even if one tries to rinse it off. But if that avocado
is going into a salad with a vinegar and oil dressing, go for it. This works!!
(One can even make the dressing with lemon juice instead of vinegaršŸ™‹).

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